Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cousins in Aalesund(ohlesund)

Aalesund is on the Northern Norwegian Coast about 8 hours NW of Oslo and that is where Gus' father's family is from. We visited there with Gus cousin, Berit Carlsen, with her significant other, Bjoern and her brother, Finn(also Gus' cousin), and his wife, Siri, who were visiting from Bergen. It was a terrific surprise for Gus to see Finn as it had been 60 years since they seen each other. WOW! The we're all so very wonderful to us and we had a fantastic three days with them.

I will show below photos of Berit and
Bjoern and their lovely home in Aalesund and their charming mountain hutte as well as a few photos of Finn and the gorgeous scenery in the area.
Berit has a small storage house in their back yard with a grass roof that I WANT.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What beautiful country! It looks as if you guys are having a great time.
That's a amazing picture of the maelstrom.
We'll keep an eye on the blog for updates.
Best regards from Texas (104 degrees today),
-Dick & Sharon Dougherty